What is the Essence of Life -Is it just about paying bills?

IMG-20160111-WA0001This is a difficult one. Having thought about it and listened to the opinions of others, I’ll just say that life is beautiful and filled with daily promises. It is not about paying bills but just living. Living is waking up each day with a bright smile, being hopeful, trusting and not worried about the next minute or tomorrow. Thus, enjoying every second of the day is living.

We can only live when we understand the essence of life. And that is to fulfil purpose. Purpose is our God-given assignment here on earth. It is not burdensome rather fun. A life without purpose is meaningless, chaotic and lonely.

One may ask – “how do I know and fulfil purpose?”. It is quite simple. It could be that thing in which you are passionate about, that idea that doesn’t let you sleep at night. If you are still in doubt,  why not ask your Maker genuinely and expect to receive an answer from Him.

Discovering one’s purpose or assignment on earth is key to fulfilment in life. Only then will you have fun, not feel caged or strangled.

Fulfilling purpose is not determined by the money you earn or the type of job you do. Remember, a man’s happiness are not in what he possesses. You could have it all but remain dissatisfied and depressed. Yet you may have little but your life is just sweet and garnished with joy unspeakable. This is just saying that, walking in the path created by God for you will culminate in unending joy and fulfillment.

So discover purpose, live and breathe. Life is not a graveyard. Consciously put away the gloomy face and carry a free spirit.

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